San Francisco Boys Chorus is a volunteer-driven organization. Parent and community volunteers are essential to the success of SFBC.
Fundraising and Development
Aside from monitoring rehearsals, chaperoning an event, or serving on a committee, parents are asked to participate in SFBC fundraising activities throughout the year. The tuition and fees that parents pay cover 50% of the costs of the training the boys receive. For each boy singing in the Chorus, SFBC must raise more than $2,000 per boy in contributions.
Parental participation in various fundraising campaigns during the year is essential to the financial health of SFBC. Only with the philanthropic support of parents and the broader Bay Area community can SFBC give our boys the best music education available, provide scholarships to those in need, and offer excellent and diverse performing opportunities.
Volunteering Options
Here are the ways that parents can participate in Chorus fundraising:
- Contribute to the Annual Fund
- Participate in the Benefit Drawing each Spring
- Solicit Gala Booster support or donations
- Attend or help with the Annual Gala
- Register for eScrip (escrip.com)
SFBC welcomes suggestions from parents about new fundraising opportunities. However, SFBC must review and approve in writing in advance any solicitation made on its behalf, other than appeals for the activities in the list above. Fundraising efforts must be consistent with the mission, values, and plans of SFBC. Additionally, fundraising must comply with SFBC’s tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code, and with other pertinent laws and regulations. If you have suggestions or questions about fundraising, please contact Mark Denton, SFBC Development Counsel and/or the Parent Representative to the Board.
Annual Fund
Each year, especially during the Fall and Winter, the Chorus conducts an Annual Fund Campaign. Parent participation is essential. Virtually all aspects of SFBC are touched by the Annual Fund; it supports critical needs such as financial assistance, campus facilities, faculty resources, and much, much more.
As you may be aware, many charitable foundations take into consideration family participation rates as a factor in their funding decisions. It is therefore vital that our goal of reaching 100% parent participation in the Annual Fund is a resounding success!
Benefit Drawing Campaign
Choristers are encouraged to participate in the annual parent-led Benefit Drawing, which allows Choristers to offset their own tuition, summer camp, and tour costs. After the first $100 in raffle ticket sales, fifty percent of every dollar in ticket sales turned in is credited to a chorister’s SFBC account. Credits will be applied first to any outstanding financial obligations to SFBC. Then, credits will be applied to the upcoming camp and tour.
The Benefit Drawing is a principal source of income for the Chorus in two ways:
• It brings important general operating funds to the organization.
• It provides an important means for choristers to earn part (or all) of their tuition, camp, and touring expenses, and can offset the amount the Chorus needs to raise to support scholarships.
Choristers sell tickets for approximately three months each Spring. When the drawing is complete, a final accounting is shown on a monthly statement. Credits revert to the Chorus upon graduation or withdrawal from the Chorus. Parents and choristers are urged at the end of each annual campaign to return unused supplies and clipboards.
2024 San Francisco Boys Chorus Benefit Drawing Winners
50K American Airline Miles — Ed. P. — San Francisco
$500 Cash — Jacob H.. — California
$100 Ben & Jerry’s Cert. — Shirly F. — Daly City
Sign Up to Volunteer
Sign-ups for special events are found here: www.sfbc.org/signup