Palace of Fine Arts Theater

Discount for Sing for America Benefit Concert

Palace of Fine Arts Theater 3601 Lyon St, San Francisco, California, United States

Use code: SFA124 for $10 off tickets and to designate the SFBC to receive the benefit.Thank you to Roberta Bowman, SFBC's Office Associate and retired SF Opera singer, who is singing with the SFA Chorus and has designated the SFBC to receive this support.Also as part of singing with SFA, 100% of the tickets she […]

Sing for America Benefit Concert

Palace of Fine Arts Theater 3601 Lyon St, San Francisco, California, United States

San Francisco Boys Chorus will be a featured guest at the annual Sing for America Benefit Concert on April 16, 2023.This year’s concert theme is Brand New Day: Songs of Hope and Renewal.use coupon code: SFA097 (singer Roberta Bowman) for $10 off tickets

Support the Boys Chorus